Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Interview with Pontius Pilate

 Interviewer: Hello Sir Pilate thank you for joining us.
Pilate: Yes, it's a pleasure to be here with you.
Interviewer: On with the questions then.
The first question is why did you execute Jesus?
Pilate: I had to do it to keep the peace among the people.
 Interviewer: So you knew Jesus was a innocent man?
Pilate: Jesus was an innocent man in the eyes of the Roman Empire ,but he was causing too much of a riot among the people and I just could not let them get out of control like that. I had to do what would satisfy the people ,but you should know I never intended for him to be crucified. I chose that just because I did not want to lose my seat of authority.
Interviewer: Okay. I think that is a reasonable reason for someone with your power and authority over the people.
Okay, second question. Do you believe that Jesus is really back from the dead? Now the only reason I ask this is because we had an interesting conversation with one of his Disciples, Peter. I am sure you have heard of his opinion about this topic.
Pilate: Yes, I have heard of Peter, on the topic if Jesus has actually risen from the dead. Well I do think it sounds impossible and it probably is , so I'll just say that he has come back ,but in those who believed in him and followed his teaching.
Interviewer: Exactly what I said with Peter. Thank you Pilate for coming to talk with us and I hope we meet again in the time to come.

Pontius Pilate talking to the crowd. 

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