Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Editorial: Jesus' redemptive love for us is amazing

It is amazing how Jesus, the Son of God, decided to suffer and die on the cross for us. Jesus went through being whipped on the back many times to carrying a heavy cross on his back to being nailed on the cross and dying in a very unpleasant way. That type of love shows that he is willing to do anything for us just because he wants to grant us salvation and hope. It is very hard for us to think that someone would do this for us, especially when we don't deserve it. As human beings, we are selfish and would probably never sacrifice ourselves for others in such a way. Jesus' redemptive love is a gift that we should be grateful for. It is the most marvelous thing we have received and witnessed throughout our lives. Personally, it is something that I will never forget and always treasure in my heart. 

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