Thursday, December 12, 2013

                              BREAKING NEWS: 

Jesus'death on the Cross was followed by unnatural and unexpected occurrences 

Jesus, who was also known as the Son of God, was sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate. He was crucified for supposedly opposing the Roman Empire. He was seen as a threat by the Jewish leaders. He was nailed to the cross. Jesus' cross was in between two burglars who were being crucified for their crimes. After Jesus could no longer resist the suffering, he died and bowed his head. Right after this, a few people had witnessed that the ground was shaking. An earthquake was happening. At the same time, there was an eclipse. The sky turned dark and the sun had disappeared. These are two unnatural events that had taken everyone by surprise. These events usually never happen. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Editorial: Jesus' redemptive love for us is amazing

It is amazing how Jesus, the Son of God, decided to suffer and die on the cross for us. Jesus went through being whipped on the back many times to carrying a heavy cross on his back to being nailed on the cross and dying in a very unpleasant way. That type of love shows that he is willing to do anything for us just because he wants to grant us salvation and hope. It is very hard for us to think that someone would do this for us, especially when we don't deserve it. As human beings, we are selfish and would probably never sacrifice ourselves for others in such a way. Jesus' redemptive love is a gift that we should be grateful for. It is the most marvelous thing we have received and witnessed throughout our lives. Personally, it is something that I will never forget and always treasure in my heart. 

Interview with Pontius Pilate

 Interviewer: Hello Sir Pilate thank you for joining us.
Pilate: Yes, it's a pleasure to be here with you.
Interviewer: On with the questions then.
The first question is why did you execute Jesus?
Pilate: I had to do it to keep the peace among the people.
 Interviewer: So you knew Jesus was a innocent man?
Pilate: Jesus was an innocent man in the eyes of the Roman Empire ,but he was causing too much of a riot among the people and I just could not let them get out of control like that. I had to do what would satisfy the people ,but you should know I never intended for him to be crucified. I chose that just because I did not want to lose my seat of authority.
Interviewer: Okay. I think that is a reasonable reason for someone with your power and authority over the people.
Okay, second question. Do you believe that Jesus is really back from the dead? Now the only reason I ask this is because we had an interesting conversation with one of his Disciples, Peter. I am sure you have heard of his opinion about this topic.
Pilate: Yes, I have heard of Peter, on the topic if Jesus has actually risen from the dead. Well I do think it sounds impossible and it probably is , so I'll just say that he has come back ,but in those who believed in him and followed his teaching.
Interviewer: Exactly what I said with Peter. Thank you Pilate for coming to talk with us and I hope we meet again in the time to come.

Pontius Pilate talking to the crowd. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Interview with Peter the Disciple of the Crucified Jesus

Interviewer: Hello Peter. How are you?
Peter: Good.
Interviewer: So tell me peter, why did you deny Jesus three times?
Peter: I panicked and I did not want to get arrested and possibly killed. I knew I shouldn't have denied knowing him, but my human instincts took over.
Interviewer: Ok. Did you feel guilty after denying Jesus?
Peter: I did. *Peter starts crying* I ran away in shame after denying my master.
Interviewer: It's ok Peter. * hugs peter* He's dead now.
Peter: He is not dead. He has risen from the dead and ascended into heaven!
Interviewer: Of, course he is peter in our heart and in the people. Thank you Peter for your time.

Peter fishing in the sea. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

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